peas planted!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

free tomato seeds

With my seed order, Sand Hill Preservation Center sent me a package of free tomato seeds. The variety is Tomango. Its a stuffing variety, which is almost like a bell pepper. I've never heard of this.

Tomango: late, Ind, 2 to 4 oz., not quite as hollow, stuffing type, red with yellow streaks.

Solanum lycopersicum


  1. I love getting free seeds!

    I've never heard of Tomango either. There is a similar sounding local tomato variety called 'Paprika' (paprika is a common European/Germanic word meaning 'Bell Pepper'). I could see how it couldn't have the same name in the US, so maybe this is the Paprika tomato but renamed.

  2. I looking forward to trying it! Stuffed tomatoes are delicious.
