peas planted!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

my garden

I've been busy with my camera today! In the upper right is the nice open area where the rhododendron was removed. My tomatoes have more sun now. In the foreground are garlic, carrots and beans. Looks like its time to clip back the rose. I'm planning to move the cukes from the back corner over to the sunny area left by the rhododendron.


  1. Your garden is beautiful from every angle!

  2. Your garden is looking great! So green and LUSH! Have you harvested any Zucchini yet? I noticed from your vacation return pictures that they were getting to that stage where it's just a matter of days! Keep up the good work :-)

  3. Your garden is so beautiful it almost doesn't look real!

  4. What a flourishing sight/site!

  5. Hi
    this is my first visit to your very neat veg plot - and I see that you grow peas with purple pods - Hurray!!!


  6. The zucchini will be ready in a day or two. There are lots of small ones out there. I just picked my first green beans today. The first chili pepper is nearly ripe too and the carrots are getting to a good eating size.
