peas planted!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Bird's eye view

I'm doing a bit better putting panoramas together without seams, but I have a terrible problem with a dirty camera. I'm looking forward to bringing it to a shop for cleaning tomorrow. I suppose it makes sense that it would need some maintenance once in a while. Anyway, this photo is the garden from upstairs with my 12 foot tall tomatoes and dahlias. Our weather has cooled off into the 50-60's at night, 70's in the day. The garden is still growing. I recently planted some Swiss chard and I'm still seeding lettuce every few weeks. Best crops this year are my basil, which is nearly ready for a big second harvest, and the tomatoes, cukes and carrots. (From looking at this picture, next year I'll have to consider extending that path that leads to nowhere. Maybe some stepping stones across the backyard.)

aerial view

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