peas planted!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

overwintered kale

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It was a great winter for kale, being so mild. We are still harvesting. It looks beautiful in the garden now. My gnome is hiding somewhere under the leaves. He's been working this patch all winter.

I have a great recipe for crispy oven kale, but I am always looking for new recipes.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

my peas are up!

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Such brave little sprouts "the sturdy seedling with arched body comes Shouldering its way and shedding the earth crumbs".

I planted my peas on March 17 - St Patrick's Day. Today I looked out the window and thought I saw something in the soil. Sure enough, five rows of pea sprouts. I will plant a couple more rows at Easter for a later crop. Peas (leaves and stems but not the pods) are very hardy to the cold and I am sure they will be fine with whatever weather comes this year. They are in my side yard - I plant here because the chipmunks eat them at the community plot.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

planting and transplanting

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On Sunday I turned my dining room table into a planting bench by spreading out an old sheet. I transplanted 12 early tomato plants. And I planted 6 6-packs of seeds (carrots, parsnips and 6 types of chili peppers).

The chilis are under my fish tank now, since they like it warm for germination. Its 80*F under there. I just have to remember to water them now and then. (varieties: Amelia's cayenne, Thai hot, yellow sweet, Joe Parker, Nardello and Ancho)

I've always direct planted carrots and parsnips before, but last fall I tried sowing carrots in pots and transplanting. It worked great. So I'm trying a spring planting. I prefer planting in pots because its easier for me to water the young seedlings regularly if they are inside on my shelves. Carrots are sensitive to drying out when they're small and I've lost many because of this.

My husband reminds to me write that he washed the pots! I found a stack of old pots in the garage to my surprise and, knowing how I like CLEAN pots for little seedlings, he put them in the dishwasher. He filled the top shelf and put a cookie rack on top to hold the pots in place. They look nice and the plants look happy.

the view out my back window

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It is 25*F this morning! After last week was in the 80's. Amazing weather pattern! New England is famous for this though we remark every year at how impressed we are. The pussy willows in my backyard are bursting and leaves are out. My orchids are fading after a generous 3 months of color on the sill. I am watching with much pleasure as the birds at the backyard feeder and boxes start their spring routines.

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March harvest

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We are harvesting lots of fat spinach leaves from my cold frame and tender lettuce from winter sowing under lights.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

belated update

I haven't looked at my poor abandoned blog in so long! I am surprised to check now and see snow on my last post. We have had weeks of balmy spring weather in the 80's since then.

Here is part of a note I just wrote to a reader who asked where we are:

Dear Pam,

Thanks for your note. Fortunately I do not have any bad news to share. My job has preoccupied me. About 2 years ago I started a company to help women with breast cancer. The process of starting a company and getting it off the ground is time consuming.

My garden is growing well this year and I have lots of photos saved up. Last Wednesday, I took a vacation day and dug and planted seedlings and seeds in my parents' garden. They return from wintering in FL in a month and I want them to enjoy a fruitful garden. My peas are in (planted on St Patrick's Day) and I'm working on a new trellis for the middle of my community plot. What a great spring for gardening! Soon, I will get my blog updated.


PS. Today is Skippy's 7th birthday

Thursday, March 01, 2012

skippy in the snow

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We got a couple inches of snow today. (Wow, finally!) Here's Skippy - enjoying the white stuff at our community gardens.