Saturday, December 05, 2009

dahlia tubers dug

dahlia tubers

Since Daphne said it was as late as I could wait, I went out today and dug the dahlia tubers. They look good - big fat roots. They are now in a bag hanging on the hook in the basement where they always spend the winter.


The Cheap Vegetable Gardener said...

Thanks for the reminder, I need to dig mine up too before the ground frezzes.

kathy said...

Yay! - I wasn't last .

Daphne Gould said...

The sad thing is that I had dalias last year and never dug them up. Whoops! This year I was dahlia free. BTW some of the weathermen are saying we will get to the teens this week. Ack! I'm sure the ground will be frozen solid soon.

kathy said...

Daphne I'm shocked!! About your dahlias. I'm going to ignore the weather part. The snow is pretty, but I prefer warm snow.